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Homeopathic treatment for various functional and organic disorders including psychological & neurological diseases, respiratory & gastrointestinal diseases, male & female sexual health problems, skin diseases, hormonal disorders, urinary diseases, chronic or recurring infections, drug-induced problems, developmental & growth disorders etc. The homeopathic treatment is given as per the individuality of the patient and the effort is to offer the best possible homepathic guidance using personal or online consultation

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Homeopathy is a system of medicine, which was discovered and developed by a German physician, Dr. Samuel Hahnemann, between 1796 and 1842.

In the 18th century, the medical science was still very unscientific. The knowledge about human body, diseases and the modalities of treatment were poor and vague. Methods like blood-letting, leeching, purging were the common treatments for most ailments. Practically the whole of the 18th century in Europe was marked by a plethora of theories and hypothesis concerning the nature of disease and its causation. Consequently methods of therapeutic practice were as numerous and diverse as the theories propounded. The uncertainty and lack of any fixed principle of healing disappointed Dr. Hahnemann.

So Dr. Hahnemann relinquished his medical practice & devoted himself to the translation of great medical classics of his time. In 1790, when Dr. Hahnemann was engaged in translating Cullen's materia medica from English to German, his attention was arrested by the remark of the author that cinchona bark cured malaria because of its bitterness & tonic effects on stomach. This explanation appeared unsatisfactory to him.

To discover its true mode of action, he himself ingested 4 drams of Cinchona juice twice daily for a few days. To his great astonishment, he very soon developed symptoms very similar to ague or malarial fever.

This unexpected result set up in his mind a new train of thought and he conducted similar experiments on himself and other individuals with other medicines whose curative action in certain diseases had been well established. He found that in healthy persons the medicines produce symptoms very similar to what they cure in diseased individuals. So he was led to the inference that medicines cure diseases only because they can produce similar symptoms in healthy individuals. The whole of Homeopathy derives from this law. He developed from it the whole system of healing --- Homeopathy .

In 1796, after 6 years of Dr. Hahnemann's first experiment, he published an article in Hufeland's Journal volume-II, parts 3 & 4, pages 391-439 & 465-561. "An essay on a new principle for ascertaining the curative powers of drugs & some examinations of the previous principle."

He thus put forward his new doctrine of Similia Similibus Curantur (like cures like) in contrast to the age-old doctrine of Contraria Contraris Curantur (opposite cures opposite).

1796 is considered to be the year of birth of Homeopathy . Doctrines of Homeopathy were attempted to be formulated, for the first time by Dr. Hahnemann in his article "The Medicine of Experience" published in 1805 till the complete systematization of the principles and practice of the homeopathic art of healing was effected with the publication of Dr. Hahnemann's Organon of Medicine in 1810. After he had laid a solid foundation for reconstructing medicine as a science by the publication of his Organon of Healing Art, and Pure Materia Medica, he issued his valuable Chronic Diseases.

The art of medicine was thus placed on a scientific footing when Dr. Hahnemann discovered the method of testing the positive action of each individual drug and a law guiding the selection of drug to cure diseases.

Homoeopathy is the system of treatment based on demonstrable laws and principles, which are -

a) The Law of Similars - It is also called the Law of Cure. This law demonstrates that the selected remedy is able to produce a range of symptoms in a healthy person similar to that observed in the patient, thus leading to the principle of Similia Similibus Curentur i.e. let likes be treated by likes. To give a simple example the effects of peeling an onion are very similar to the symptoms of acute cold. The remedy prepared from the red onion, Allium cepa, is used to treat the type of cold in which the symptoms resemble those we get from peeling onion. The principle has been verified by millions of Homoeopaths all over the world.

b) The Law of Single Remedy - This law directs to choose and administer such a single remedy, which is most similar to the symptom complex of the sick person at a time.

c) The Law of Minimum Dose - The similar remedy selected for a sick should be prescribed in minimum dose, so that when administered there is no toxic effects on the body. It just acts as a triggering and catalytic agent to stimulate and strengthen the existing defense mechanism of the body. It does not need to be repeated frequently.

Holistic as well as Individualistic approach in Medicine through Homoeopathy:

This is a key point and unique to Homoeopathy. Even though it may sound strange, Homoeopathy does not treat disease per se. A Homoeopath does not concentrate his therapy on, say arthritis or bronchitis or cancer. In other words he does not limit his treatment to painful joints, inflamed bronchi or a malignant growth. Rather, he treats all aspects mental, emotional and physical of the person who happens to be suffering with arthritis or bronchitis or cancer. Homoeopathy regards each patient as a unique individual, e.g. six persons with hepatitis might get a different Homoeopathic remedy, each one aimed at the individual’s totality of symptoms rather than at his liver alone. The physicians’ interest is not only to alleviate the patients’ present symptoms but also his long-term well being.

Concept of Vital Force

Dr. Hahnemann discovered that the human body is endowed with a force that reacts against the inimical forces, which produce disease. It becomes deranged during illness and the best-selected Homoeopathic remedies stimulate this failing vital force so that, as Hahnemann said "it can again take the reins and conduct the system on way to health".

Concept of Miasm

Psora, Syphilis and Sycosis are the three fundamental causes of all chronic diseases that afflict the human race as discovered by Dr. Hahnemann and called them miasms. This word is derived from Greek word miainein meaning ‘to pollute’.

Syphilis and Sycosis are the venereal and contagious chronic diseases, whereas Psora is a non-venereal chronic disease. Psora is present from the beginning to end of life and is the root cause of most of the diseases.

Principle of Drug Proving

To apply drugs for therapeutic use, their curative powers should be known. The proving of the drug is the method employed to know these powers and is unique to Homoeopathy as they are proved on healthy human beings. The symptoms thus known are the true record of the curative properties of a drug or the pathogenesis of a drug.

Drug Dynamisation or Potentisation

Drugs are prepared in such a way that they retain maximum medicinal powers without producing any toxic action on the body. It was found experimentally by Dr. Hahnemann that when diluted drugs are powerfully succussed they develop lasting medicinal powers.


Homoeopathy entered India in 1839 when Dr. John Martin Honigberger was called to treat Maharaja Ranjit Singh, the ruler of Punjab, for paralysis of vocal cords and oedema. The Maharaja was relieved of his complaints and in return received valuable rewards and later on was made officer-in-charge of a hospital. Dr. Honigberger later on went to Calcutta and started practice there. This royal patronage helped the system to have its roots in India. A large number of missionaries, amateurs in Indian civil and military service personals practiced Homoeopathy extensively and spread this system mostly in Bengal and South India.


The Government of India soon after Independence did not lost time to develop Homoeopathic System of Medicine. The setting up of Homoeopathic Enquiry Committee in 1948, the Committee by Planning Commission in 1951 and the Homoeopathic Pharmacopoeia Committee in 1962 testify to this. At the instance of the recommendation of these Committees, the Government of India have accepted Homoeopathy as one of the national System of Medicine and started releasing funds for its development, during the Second five-year Plan. Some of the States also made their own contribution to Homoeopathic Education, the employment of Homoeopathic practitioners in health services and regulating the practice by enacting States Acts & Rules, etc.


The National Health Policy as passed by the Indian Parliament assigns to the Indian Systems of Medicine and Homoeopathy an important role in the delivery of primary health care and envisages its integration in the over all health care delivery system, specially in the preventive and promotive aspects of health care in the context of the national target of achieving "Health for all by 2000 AD"


Homoeopathy continued to spread and by the beginning of 20th century most of the important cities in India had Homoeopathic dispensaries. The popularity of the system led to a mushroom growth of quacks practicing Homoeopathy. Seeing this deplorable state of affairs, efforts were made by the Government. It took several steps and in 1948, a Homoeopathic Enquiry Committee was set up to evolve a suitable arrangement to regulate teaching and practice of Homoeopathy. A Homoeopathic Advisory Committee was appointed in 1952 by the Govt. of India and the recommendations of these committees led to passing of a Central Act in 1973 for recognition of this system of medicine. Homoeopathy now has been accepted as one of the National Systems of Medicine in India.


Homoeopathy in India enjoys Government support along with the other systems of medicine because Government is of the view that presence of all these complementary alternative systems of therapeutics offers a much wider spectrum of curative medicine than is available in any other country.

Myth 1. Are there really no side effects of homeopathic medicine. 

Fact: Generally there are no side effects of homeopathic medicine if prescribed in potencies of 3CH and above. However, some tinctures and triturates in very low potencies like Ix, 2x have some side effects of minor nature. Sometimes, homeopathic medicines in higher dilutions may also elicit drug-proving in sensitive individuals. But just like any other medicine, Homeopathy medicines should be used with caution and in chronic ailments, they should not be taken without consultation with a qualified homeopath.

Myth 2. Homeopathy is an unproved science. 

Fact: Homeopathy is based on experimental pharmacological and clinical data. Over the years, homeopathic medicines have been extensively studied for their efficacy in a variety of indications. Clinical studies have been conducted in India as well as other countries. The physical basis of the homeopathic medicines is still not clear but there is enough clinical data to prove its efficacy. All the principles of  are based on sound logic and experimental data. Homeopathy

Myth 3. Homeopathy cannot be used in diabetic patients. 

Fact: It can be used! The minute amount of sugar globules (the little round pills) taken daily does not matter. Sugar intake in the daily diet is significantly higher than that taken by a few globules. In very severe cases, the dilution may be taken as drops in water or over lactose. 

Myth 4. Homeopathic medicines are only sugar pills which act more as placebos and have no medicinal value as such. 

Fact: Yes, the white sugar pills, as such do not have any medicinal value. But these act as vehicles or carriers for the medicines, which are alcohol based. Otherwise the medicine can be taken directly or dissolved in water. Homeopathic medicines have been scientifically studied the world over and found to be effective in a wide range of diseases. Thus they are not placebos. 

Myth 5. Homeopathy is slow acting and cannot be used in acute cases of diarrhea, fever, cough, cold, etc. 

Fact: Homeopathy is fast acting in acute cases and can be effectively used in treating infections, fever, cold etc. Unfortunately, people tend to go to a homeopath only when the acute problem becomes chronic. Naturally, these cases take longer to treat. Also, most people take recourse in Homeopathy in cases of arthritis, allergic asthma or skin conditions etc., which take a longer time to treat with any other medicines. 

Myth 6. One has to follow strict dietary I restrictions while on homeopathic treatment. 

Fact: Some patients are asked to abstain from onions, garlic, coffee, tea, tobacco, alcohol etc. as these substances interfere with the action of certain homeopathic medicines. But then, restricting alcohol and tobacco is also safe and healthy. 

Myth 7. Homeopathy is a 'magic remedy' that can treat any disorder. 

Fact: Homeopathy like any other field of medicine, has its limitations. For example, it cannot treat cases where surgery is unavoidable, many dental cases, etc. 

Myth 8. Homeopathic doctors are quacks who do not have formal training in the field of Medicine. 

Fact: Qualified doctors practice Homeopathy, in most parts of the world. In India, there are over 200 Homeopathy medical colleges and world over the number is close to 500, which offer degree and post -graduate studies in Homeopathy. At present, there are over 2,00,000 trained homeopaths in India and at least half-million across the globe. 

Myth 9. Homeopathy is only useful in chronic cases. 

Fact: Very often it is - where everything else has failed! But the true reason for this perception is because people turn to Homeopathy so late when everything else has failed! After years of allopathic treatment often an illness becomes chronic, the treatment will now naturally take longer than in case of using Homeopathy right from the beginning, the recovery period is very less. Homeopathy medicines are equally effective in chronic and acute ailments.

Myth 10. The homeopath gives the same white pills for all types of illnesses. How can they be really effective? 

Fact: Depending on the illness, homeopaths medicate with different medicines. The sugar pills serve only as a vehicle for transfer of the medicine. The selected medicine, out of a range of more than 3000 different dilutions, is targeted to the individual problems. 


Homeopathy is safe. Unlike other medicines, homeopathic medicines usually do not have any side effects. Their ability to cause structural damage is Nil. The reason for this is that homeopathic medicines act by stimulating the body's own defense mechanism and healing powers. They do not have any chemical action, so they do not have the potential to cause any sustained damage. The doses are given in sub-physiological quantities. So they can be given to children and adults alike without worrying about the dosage. Safe for every one.

Homeopathic medicines are very effective - in both acute and chronic conditions. Homeopathy in fact, is the only system of medicine which offers curative treatment (not palliative) to a large number of chronic ailments which have been labeled as 'incurable' by other schools of medicine. In acute ailments also, homeopathic medicines, if selected properly, give results faster then any other systems of medicine.

Homeopathic medicines are easy to administer. Homeopathic medicines are usually dispensed as sweet sugar pills, which are very easy to take. Due to this reason, children readily agree to take homeopathic medicines.

Homeopathic treatment is cheap. Homeopathic medicines are usually much cheaper than comparable allopathic and ayurvedic drugs. And also there is little stress on costly diagnostic procedures as homeopaths rely on the symptoms to find the right medicine for a person. So the overall cost of treatment is very little. Still this may not appear so to many people in western countries as homeopathic treatment is usually not covered by insurance companies. But that's myopic vision. One has to think of long-term gains. Under proper homeopathic treatment not only the person's immediate complaints improve, but also his/her susceptibility to disease decreases as there is a general improvement in health. So in the long run, there is better health,less medical consultations and the cumulative cost is very low. Even otherwise, hasn't some wise man said .."Health is the real Wealth"?

Homeopathy considers the complaints of a patient in totality. It views a person as a whole, as an integrated entity, and not as a mere collection of body parts. So it treats the person as a whole too. Thus one does not have to visit ten different 'specialists' for his/her ten different body parts. After all our body is more than a collection of parts! So Homeopathy saves your time, money and health at the same time.